The Death of Capital

The Death of Capital

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The Death of Capital: How Creative Policy Can Restore Stability

As a result of our failure to understand the true nature of capital, we have developed a financial and regulatory system that does exactly the opposite of what it should be doing—favoring obscurity over transparency and fomenting instability rather than growth. Financial reform is needed to make sure capital does not die again. Filled with in-depth insights and practical advice, The Death of Capital is not just a play-by-play of the recent financial crisis, but an original and passionate analysis of the trends that led to it and what can be done in a regulatory sense to address the problems.

Praise for the Death of Capital

"In an era of books on the financial crisis, this one is a significant standout. Michael demonstrates a keen understanding of the factors that led to the financial abuses of the past decade and equally importantly advances sound ideas for financial reform. A very engaging and worthwhile read!"

Leon G. Cooperman, Chairman and CEO, Omega Advisors, Inc.

"Michael Lewitt is a very thoughtful presenter of facts and conclusions in his regular market letter. He has identified and clarified the conditions [that] are impacting global capital markets. This book belongs on the reading list of every serious investor."

David Kotok, Co-Founder, Cumberland Advisors

"Michael Lewitt describes how financial technology became the tool that almost destroyed the very system it was designed to protect. This book is both passionate and logical."

Christopher Wood, Equity Strategist, CLSA

"Michael provides a serious, comprehensive study of the problems facing the United States and other countries and a synopsis of what created the intractable financial problems."

Bill King, Editor, The King Report

"An essential read for capitalists which we all should be in America. This book highlights the often-overlooked fact that the machinery of our system works on math and marketing."

Mark Stevens, CEO, MSCO-The Art and Science of Growing Science s

"This is the right book at the right time by the right person. Combining a sophisticated understanding of markets and informed ethical criticism, Michael presents the most insightful analysis of the recent financial crisis. The Death of Capital is required reading for anyone who wants to understand how the mistakes of the past will shape the future."

Mark C. Taylor, Chair, Department of Religion, Columbia University