Blueprint for America

Blueprint for America


Blueprint for America takes a comprehensive look at the basic policies that should be prioritized by the next president and Congress. It offers a series of accessible policy ideas for civic, economic, and security architecture that would shore up the long-term foundations of American strengths. It addresses questions of entitlement reform, deficits, monetary reform, national debt, and regulatory and tax reform. This book also introduces a range of clear-eyed observations on spending, human resources, foreign policy, and, in conclusion, the art of governance. The spirit of Blueprint for America is positive and grounded in first principles, offering ideas, diagnoses, solutions, and road maps for the long view.

  • Economists Michael Boskin, John Cogan, John Cochrane, and John Taylor address questions of entitlement reform, deficits, monetary reform, national debt, and regulatory and tax reform.

  • Scott Atlas draws on his experience in the practice of medicine to tackle the Affordable Care Act and propose incentive-based health care reforms.

  • George Shultz draws from his experiences in government, industry, and academia to lead off each section with a range of clear-eyed observations on spending, human resources, foreign policy, and, in conclusion, the art of governance.

Table of Contents


  • Chapter 1: The Domestic Landscape

  • Chapter 2: Entitlements and the Budget

  • Chapter 3: A Blueprint for Tax Reform

  • Chapter 4: Transformational Health Care Reform

  • Chapter 5: Reforming Regulation

  • Chapter 6: National and International Money Reform

  • Chapter 7: A Blueprint for Effective Financial Reform

  • Chapter 8: Education and the Nation's Future

  • Chapter 9: Trade and Immigration

  • Chapter 10: Restoring Our National Security

  • Chapter 11: Redefining Energy Security

  • Chapter 12: Diplomacy in a Time of Transition

Closing Note: The Art and Practice of Governance