John Cochrane

John Cochrane

Formal First Name
1957 - present

John H. Cochrane is the Rose-Marie and Jack Anderson Senior Fellow of the Hoover Institution at Stanford University. He is also a research associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research and an adjunct scholar of the CATO Institute. Cochrane has interests in diverse fields of financial economics and macroeconomics, including asset markets, financial crises and regulations, monetary and fiscal policies, and health insurance. He has worked on the fiscal theory of the price level, on the debate between permanent and temporary shocks in macroeconomic fluctuations, and the cost of near-rational behavior. He is the author of Asset Pricing, a widely used textbook in graduate courses on asset pricing. Cochrane frequently contributes editorial opinion essays to the Wall Street Journal,, and other publications. He maintains the Grumpy Economist blog, which contains a series of news, views, and commentaries from a humorous point of view.

Professional Experience

Academic History




  • 1999: TIAA-CREF Institute Paul A. Samuelson Award, Certificate of Excellence for “By Force of Habit” 

  • 2000: Inquire / Q-group scroll prize 

  • 2001: TIAA-CREF Institute Paul A. Samuelson Award for Asset Pricing 

  • 2001: Q group/Inquire prize for practical potential 

  • 2001: Fellow of the Econometric Society 

  • 2003: Chookaszian Endowed Risk Management Prize 

  • 2004: Faculty excellence award (teaching award voted by MBA students). 

  • 2006: Fama/DFA second prize, best Journal of Financial Economics paper, for “The Risk and Return of Venture Capital” 

  • 2011: Fellow, American Finance Association 

  • 2012: Guggenheim Fellowship 

  • 2013: McKinsey Award for Outstanding Teaching 

  • 2014: Honorary Doctorate, University of St. Gallen



  • John has appeared extensively in the media as he contributed to the debate on the financial crisis.

  • John has also appeared as a guest on Real Vision.