Eva Kaili

Eva Kaili

Formal First Name
1978 - present

Eva Kaili, a Greek politician, is the Vice President of the European Parliament, the elected body of the European Union. An elected member of the Parliament since 2014, Eva is the first woman Chair of Science and Technology STOA Panel and the Center for Artificial Intelligence. In her role as VP, she is the Chair for ICT Innovation Strategy, Informatics and Telecoms, has the responsibility of European Strategy and Policy Analysis Systems, Foresight, STOA, and Corporate Social Responsibility. She led the first positive Blockchain Resolution of the Parliament in 2015, establishing a tech neutral and innovation-friendly approach, and has been active in the fields of blockchain technology, m/eHealth, big data, fintech, AI and cybersecurity. Prior to her positions in the Parliament, Eva has been elected two times in the Greek Parliament, with the PanHellenic Socialist Movement (PASOK). Before she was elected MEP, she served in Greece as an advisor to a Media and Business Group, the Pharmaceutical Industry Association and at the Ministry of Interior as Chair of the Gender Equality Center.

Professional Experience


  • Eva is in the Industry Technology Research and Energy, Economic and Monetary Affairs, Budget, and the AIDA committee.

  • She launched the C4AI and its International Advisory Board and established collaboration with the OECD Global Parliamentary Network in 2019.

  • She was Chair of the European Parliament's Science and Technology Options Assessment (STOA) body.

  • She worked intensively on promoting innovation as a driving force of the establishment of the European Digital Single Market.

  • She has been active in the field of taxation, and was Rapporteur of the ECON committee's annual tax report.

  • She has worked on the integration and the management of the financial crisis in the Eurozone.

  • Recently she worked on Cybersecurity NIS2, the first Pilot Regime for market infrastructures on Blockchain distributed ledger technology.


  • Prior to her political career, Eva was a newscaster at Mega Channel from 2004 to 2007.

  • She was a consultant on Communication Strategy and Public and Foreign Affairs of Greek Pharmaceutical companies.