Dewardric McNeal

Dewardric McNeal

Formal First Name

Dewardric McNeal is Managing Director and Senior Policy Analyst at Longview Global, an international boutique firm headquartered in Washington, DC. He has extensive knowledge of international affairs, trade, and security policy. McNeal provides daily guidance and policy analysis to corporations, governments, NGOs, and individuals seeking to better understand complex and challenging global geopolitical events, market environments, and long-term global trends. He has built an extensive network throughout Asia, Europe, and Africa.

Professional Experience

Academic History


  • McNeal was instrumental in the establishment of the first foreign joint research center of the Brookings Institution, which is located at the Tsinghua University’s School of Public Policy.
  • He served on the 2008 Obama for America Campaign’s Asia Advisor Team.
  • He was appointed to the U.S. Department of Defense by President Obama in May 2009, working on East Asia and China's security relations with the United States
  • He turned his focus and attention to the challenges and emerging opportunities in Africa after leaving the Obama Administration. 
  • He was responsible for the organization’s China engagement and Africa growth strategy while at OIC International.