Worth Wray is a Partner and Macro Analyst at Corriente Advisors, an investment management firm based that aims to generate strong absolute rates of return across various market environments. In his role, Worth conducts global macro and geopolitical research as a member of the investment team. Additionally, he studies current affairs, financial markets, business cycles, and macro themes of interest. Worth is the co-author of "A Great Leap Forward?", which was a bestseller on Amazon, reaching as high as #1 on the Investment & International Economics lists and #4 on the overall Business list. Prior to Corriente, he was Chief Economist and Global Macro Strategist for STA Wealth Management, now Avidian Wealth Solutions, a fast-growing and highly collaborative independent asset management and financial planning firm.
Worth Wray Professional Experience / Academic History
Professional Experience
Academic History
Worth studies economics, history, long-term cycles and trends, policy, politics/political systems, geopolitics and full spectrum rivalry.
He also studies science, technology and technological phase shifts, psychology, culture, sociology, demographics, and influential visions of the future.
He was a member of STA Wealth Management's investment committee, and a regular contributor to the firm's publications.
He was Chief Strategist for Mauldin Economics, an online economic and investment research firm with over 1 million weekly readers.
Previously, he served as a Portfolio Strategist at Salient Partners, a Texas-based investment firm with over $18B in AUM.
He has appeared as a guest on Real Vision.