

Full Name
Indivisible: Restoring Faith, Family, and Freedom Before It's Too Late

Indivisible combines a clear explanation of the conservative political perspective with its corresponding personal and spiritual virtue. It tackles tough, controversial political issues facing conservative Christians today, including abortion, stem cell research, education, economics, health care, the environment, judicial activism, marriage, and others. Written to appeal to a broad spectrum of believers, Indivisible not only argues political questions from a Scriptural standpoint, but it also provides simple arguments that Christians can use to support their beliefs in public settings.

  • In Indivisible, the authors also recognize that the point of origin for spiritual and moral transformation is the individual.

  • Throughout Indivisible, Richards and Robison make strong arguments that those who ignore moral and social issues in their efforts to strengthen American economic well-being and achieve success in foreign policy are misguided.

  • They emphasize that principles serving as the foundation for sound social policy also support a vibrant economy and effective foreign policy.

  • Indivisible examines politics, faith, and culture while also providing groundbreaking arguments to unite people of faith with all who cherish freedom and limited government.

"INDIVISIBLE can change forever how you see the world. Grasp the wisdom shared in this book, and the scripture 'My people perish for lack of knowledge' will no longer apply. This can prove to be the much-needed game changer for America."

―Gov. Mike Huckabee

"I read this book from cover to cover, in one sitting, in awe of what God was up to in these pages. INDIVISIBLE builds a sure bridge of faith and reason over which our country can walk, from our present state of confusion and peril into a new era of peace and prosperity."

―Father Jonathan Morris, Fox News Analyst and Author of God Wants You Happy

"James Robison and Jay Richards inspire us to find the necessary common ground to address our serious challenges. It is not a question of right vs. left, it is right vs. wrong. INDIVISIBLE provides the understanding that concerned people of faith need to help correct our nation's perilous course."

―Dr. Jim Garlow, Pastor of Skyline Church, San Diego and Chairman of Renewing American Leadership, Washington, DC

"In an era when Washington's reach continues to exceed its grasp, INDIVISIBLE defines the right role of government, explains why social and fiscal conservatives should embrace both the morality of markets and the efficiency of the markets-and why doing so requires no simple act of faith."

Arthur Brooks, President, American Enterprise Institute

"James Robison and Jay Richards remind us that good stewardship of freedom's blessings means recognizing that the moral and economic foundations of American liberty are indeed, indivisible."

―Jennifer Marshall, Director, Domestic Policy StudiesThe Heritage Foundation

Table of Contents


Introduction: Where Were You When Freedom Died?

Part I. First Things

  1. Principles, Policies, and Prayer

  2. What is Freedom?

  3. The Law Is Written on the Heart, Stone, and Parchment

Part II. The Issues

  1. God in Public

  2. Bearing the Sword

  3. How Big Is Too Big?

  4. Choose Life

  5. A Man Shall Cling to His Wife

  6. It Takes a Family

  7. Train Up a Child in the Way He Should Go

  8. Culture Matters

  9. Am I My Brother's Keeper?

  10. A Place to Call Our Own

  11. Free to Win-Win

  12. Going Global

  13. Crossing the Border

  14. All Men Are Created Equal

  15. Be Fruitful

  16. Have Dominion

  17. Till It and Keep It

Conclusion: Living within the Truth
