Civilized to Death

Civilized to Death

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Civilized to Death: The Price of Progress

Civilized to Death is a thought-provoking exploration that critiques modern civilization and its impact on human well-being. The book evaluates the ways in which progress has corrupted the way we live—how we eat, feel, learn, parent, mate, communicate, work, and die. It opposes the idea that progress is—by its very nature—good, arguing that the way progress is defining our age is comparable to an advancing disease. In Civilized to Death, bestselling author Christopher Ryan argues that we should look back to the past to navigate our way to a better future.


  • Civilized to Death is an engaging exploration of the ways in which human societies have evolved over time, and the hidden costs of progress.

  • The book argues that many of the advancements of modern society—such as technology, social structures, and economic systems—come at a significant cost to our mental and physical health.

  • It suggests that many of the issues we face today, such as mental health disorders and environmental degradation, can be traced back to this shift in how we live.

  • The author draws on a wide range of disciplines, including anthropology, history, and psychology, to build a compelling case that the so-called progress of modern society has actually led to a decline in human well-being.


"Incredible . . . timely . . . clarifying." 

—Jack Dorsey, Co-Founder and CEO of Twitter

“Entertaining and provocative.” 

Publishers Weekly

"A fascinating read." 

Seattle Times

“This book takes on 'progress' as a guiding ethos—and does so with gusto.”

— The Stranger

“It is increasingly clear to many of us that the way we have been living is no longer sustainable, at least as long as we want the earth to outlive us. . . . Civilized to Death is an important guide in this conversation.”

— Psychology Today

Christopher Ryan is one of the most interesting and provocative thinkers of our time. Everyone should read him—you might well disagree but you’ll definitely think differently." 

Johann Hari, New York Times–bestselling author of Lost Connections

"This is not just a book, it's a revolution. Every person needs to read this book and unlearn the negative tropes we've been taught to believe about human nature, wake up to the shackles of consumerism, and discover who we really are as a species." 

—Neil Strauss, New York Times bestselling author of The Game