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SHIFT: How Top Real Estate Agents Tackle Tough Times

SHIFT is a guidebook that gives you a recipe for building or rebuilding your real estate business by following the great list of techniques that the authors put together. It explores proven strategies for achieving success in any real estate market, including Master the Market of the Moment: Short Sales, Foreclosures, and REOs; Create Urgency: Overcoming Buyer Reluctance; Re-Margin Your Business: Expense Management; Find the Motivated: Lead Generation, and Expand the Options: Creative Financing.

"Real estate buyers and sellers have to SHIFT their mindset to new and more creative strategies in this challenging Real estate market. This book shows them excellent ways to survive and thrive."
—Robert Allen, Author,  Nothing Down, Creating Wealth, Multiple Streams of Income and The One Minute Millionaire

"SHIFT is perfect for all real estate professionals. It captures the very essence of a SHIFTing housing market and what Realtors need to do to thrive therein.SHIFT will help you alter your focus and your actions to ensure that you get your head back in the game and increase your market share, irrespective of strong or weak market conditions."
—Stefan Swanepoel, Author, Swanepoel TRENDS Report, 2006-2009

"Shift is rich in easy-to-understand strategies, charts, and illustrations that show you exactly what you need to do to thrive in today's very challenging and 'Shifted' real estate market."
—Bernice Ross, Inman News

"Tough times make or break people. My friend Gary teaches you how to make the tragic into magic. Read & reap from this great book."
—Mark Victor Hansen, Co-creator, #1 New York Times best-selling series Chicken Soup for the Soul