
The Crash Course

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The Crash Course: The Unsustainable Future of Our Economy, Energy, and Environment

The Crash Course illuminates the path ahead, so you can face the coming disruptions without fearing the future. In this book, you will find solid facts and grounded reasoning presented in a calm, positive, non-partisan manner. This book is written for those who are motivated to learn about the root causes of our predicaments, protect themselves and their families, mitigate risks as much as possible, and control what effects they can. With challenge comes opportunity, and The Crash Course offers a positive vision for how to reshape our lives to be more balanced, resilient, and sustainable.

Praise for The Crash Course

"Chris Martenson gave up a successful and conventional career to study the two great problems that we face: running out of critical resources―especially carbon-based energy―and a congenital failure to process unpleasant facts. Reading The Crash Course will help you recognize how dangerous our future is likely to be and will help you prepare for it. It is a job well done."

Jeremy Grantham, Co-Founder and Chief Investment Strategist, Grantham Mayo Van Otterloo

"Among the handful of observers making sense of the economic scene, Chris Martenson is the most astute, coherent, and comprehensive. Reading Chris is like stepping out of a room full of smoke and mirrors into daylight."

James Howard Kunstler, author of The Long Emergency

"Economists did not predict the Great Recession of 2008; Chris did. He looks deeper into the numbers than most and has found a painful future if we do not make a major turn. I deeply appreciate him for doing this work. He uses hard data to back up the self-evident common sense that if we do not consciously manage our natural resources and business relationships to give priority to the common good, we will face dire consequences. This is serious. Read this book."

Terry Mollner, Board Member, Ben & Jerry's

"Chris addresses fundamental economic and energy issues in understandable terms and provides engaging perspectives. Readers will learn a great deal from his work."

Dr. Robert L. Hirsch, lead author of The Impending World Energy Mess