
Oil - Industry


The Oil Industry or Petroleum Industry is one of the largest sectors in the world in terms of dollar value, generating an estimated $3.3 trillion in revenue annually. Considered as a global powerhouse with hundreds of thousands of workers worldwide while generating hundreds of billions of dollars globally each year, Oil is crucial to the global economic framework, especially for its largest producers: the United States, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Canada and China. Broken down into three segments: upstream, midstream, and downstream, drilling companies contract their services to E&P companies to extract oil and gas. Well-servicing companies conduct related construction and maintenance activities on well sites.

Asset Classes

Natural Gas


Oil Exploration
Oil Production
Oil Transport

Mentioned by the Following

Asset Classes

Soft Commodity


Alexander Alternative Capital
Andurand Capital Management
ArcLight Capital Partners
Ascent Oil Fund
BP Capital Fund Advisors
Browning Media
Carbon Tracker
China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation
Elazar Advisors
Energy Select Sector SPDR Fund
International Energy Forum
International eChem
Mytilineos Holdings
NGP Energy Capital Management
P3iD Technologies
Rosseau Asset Management
The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries


Petrodollar System


Saudi Arabia


Auto Industry
Engineering & Construction
Oil Production


Adam Flikerski
Alex Knaster
Anthony Antonelli
Art Berman
Carl Icahn
Charles Li
Chris Tuohy
Chris Weafer
David Copeman
Ellen Wald
George Archos
Gregor MacDonald
Isuru Seneviratne
Jeff Currie
John Bailey
Justin Carlson
Karen Blumenthal
Linley Davidson
Lone Fønss Schrøder
Mark Gordon
Mark Moss
Matt Badiali
Michael Gordon
Nigam Arora
Paul Mylchreest
Phil Verleger
Pierre Andurand
Royce Running
Ryan Dezember
Sachin Oza
Samir Madani
Scott Robertson
Steve Mobbs
Will Thomson


Crude Oil Trading
Energy Investing DeMystified
Energy Investor
Fire on the Horizon
Good Intentions Corrupted
Investor Amnesia
Oil, Dollars, Debt, and Crises
Only Yesterday
Sovereign Wealth Funds
Super Boom
The Asylum
The Big Rich
The Complete Idiot's Guide to the Politics Of Oil
The Crash Course
The Frackers
The Great Game
The Tesla Revolution
The Vega Factor
The pH Report

Also known as Petroleum