Only Yesterday

Only Yesterday

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Only Yesterday: An Informal History of the 1920s

Only You immerses readers in the era of flappers, speakeasies, and early radio, making you feel like part of history as it unfolds. This bestselling, enduring account brings to life towering historical figures including J. Pierpont Morgan, Henry Ford, Sigmund Freud, Albert Einstein, Al Capone, Babe Ruth, and Jack Dempsey. It provides insightful, in-depth analyses of President Warren G. Harding’s oil scandal, the growth of the auto industry, the decline of the family farm, and the long bull market of the late twenties.

Praise for Only Yesterday

"A perfectly grand piece of historical record and synthetic journalism."

— Chicago Daily Tribune

"A style that is verve itself...Besides telling the story of the bull market in fine perspective, Mr. Allen presents the first coherent account that we have seen of the oil scandals that will eventually make the Harding regime match that of President Grant's and the Crédit Mobilier story in the history books of the future."

— New York Times

"Grover Gardner's reading, with its slightly ironic tone, is effective as he describes the post World War I decade...The quality of the sound is excellent, and the reading is well-paced and clear."

— Library Journal

Allen had...the skill to synthesize an immense amount of discrete material, to interpret it with intelligence and without sentimentality, and to write about it with grace, fluidity and wit.

— Washington Post