Super Boom

Super Boom

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Super Boom: Why the Dow Jones Will Hit 38,820 and How You Can Profit From It

History has a way of repeating itself, especially in the financial markets. The American economy, and subsequently the world economy, has always existed in a cycle of boom and bust: gold, grain, oil, technology, and most recently, real estate, have all bubbled and popped. The key to investing profitably is spotting macroeconomic historical trends and positioning to reap the benefits. Step-by-step, this bok puts together the pieces of this puzzle by revealing the central drivers of a super boom.

Praise for Super Boom

"Jeff Hirsch delivers a 500% effort in Super Boom. Unless you're closed minded or comatose, there is a lot, lot more here than any investment reader can normally hope for. The visuals and data alone are worth many times the price."

Ken Fisher, Founder and CEO, Fisher Investments

"Super Boom reminds the reader of the power of compounding. DJIA 38,820 by 2025 might sound like an outrageous level, but the implied sub-9% compound annual growth rate (following a decade of decline) makes the target appear more attainable. Within these pages, Jeff demonstrates that he has learned a lot from his father and has inherited the reputation as a renowned and respected market historian."

Sam Stovall, Chief Investment Strategist, Standard & Poor's Equity Research

"As a kid I taught Jeff how to catch big rainbow trout in Montana. In Super Boom, he's returned the favor by showing us how to catch a monster stock market move. A must-read book."

Larry Williams, Trader