World Politics

World Politics

Full Name
World Politics: Interests, Interactions, Institutions

World Politics offers the ultimate analytical framework that instructors and students love. With a structure based on interests, interactions, and institutions, World Politics gives students the tools to understand international relations. New Controversy units provide models for applying the concepts in each chapter to real-world issues and events. New InQuizitive activities—created and tested by instructors who teach with World Politics—then invite students to practice applying the analytical tools from the text to alternative examples and cases.

  • This introduction to world politics offers a contemporary analytical approach based on the way political scientists study international relations today.

  • Each chapter begins with an intriguing empirical or theoretical puzzle that sets up the chapter's analysis, and "Controversies" boxes throughout the text provide insights into some of the most compelling current policy debates.

  • Added features stress real-world applications and provide extensive study and review help, making the authors' analytical approach even more accessible and engaging.

Table of Contents



What is World Politics and Why Do We Study It?

Twelve Puzzles in Search of Explanations

The Framework: Interests, Interactions, and Institutions

Levels of Analysis

Integrating Insights from Realism, Liberalism, and Constructivism

The Plan of the Book

Part One: Foundations

  • Chapter 1. What Shaped Our World? A Historical Introduction

  • Chapter 2. Understanding Interests, Interactions and Institutions

Part Two: War and Peace

  • Chapter 3. Why are there Wars?

  • Chapter 4. Domestic Politics and War

  • Chapter 5. International Relations and War

  • Chapter 6. Violence by Non-State Actors: Civil War and Terrorism

Part Three: International Political Economy

  • Chapter 7. International Trade

  • Chapter 8. International Financial Relations

  • Chapter 9. International Monetary Relations

  • Chapter 10. Development: Causes of the Wealth and Poverty of Nations

Part Four: Transnational Politics

  • Chapter 11. International Law and Norms

  • Chapter 12. Human Rights

  • Chapter 13. The Global Environment

Part Five: Looking Ahead

  • Chapter 14. Challenges to the Global Order

Conclusion: Can Common Interests Prevail?

Study Tool Kit


