Nigel Farage

Nigel Farage

Formal First Name
Nick Name
Mr. Brexit

Nigel Farage is a world-renowned politician, activist, and political commentator currently serving as the Leader of the Brexit Party. He is most known as the Founding Member of the UK Independent Party. Under his leadership, UKIP came first in the UK with 4.5 million votes in 2014, and in doing so, became the first political party since 1906 to win a national election that was not the Labor or Conservative parties. In June 2016, Farage was a leading figure in the campaign to leave. This earned him the name “Mr. Brexit” by Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump, whom he supported at a rally on the campaign trail.

  • Farage began his career in 1982 as a commodities trader at the London Metal Exchange
  • His motivation for establishing UKIP was his opposition to British membership of the Euro exchange mechanism.
  • In early 2019, he found the Brexit Party to win the May elections in just six weeks of campaigning.
  • He became the only man in British political history to win two national elections with two different parties.
  • He is credited as the man who won over the blue-collar, working-class voters who carried the day for the Leave movement.
  • He was described as “the most important British politician of the last decade and the most successful.”
  • He was diagnosed with cancer at the age of 21.
  • A few months after a near-fatal car crash, he was also involved in a plane crash
  • A Libertarian, he advocates ordered British withdrawal from the EU’s political union. 
  • He believes in friendship, free trade, and cooperation among free, independent European nations.
  • He has appeared as a guest on Real Vision.


  • Farage was one of the very few that predicted that Donald Trump would win the presidential elections.
  • He was the first foreign politician to meet the newly elected President in Trump Tower just days after his historic win.