Elliott Wave International

Elliott Wave International

Entity Type
Founding Date

Elliott Wave International is the largest independent financial analysis and market forecasting firm in the world. It consists of 24 full-time analysts covering every major market around the globe, including stocks, currencies, bonds, energy, metals, commodities, 24 hours a day. EWI offers educational services that include conferences, workshops, webinars, DVDs, streaming videos, special reports, books as well as Club EWI, one of the richest free content programs in the Internet.

Global Forecast Service

Elliott Wave International

Commodity Junctures

Elliott Wave International

Global Market Perspective

Elliott Wave International

Interest Rates Pro Service

Elliott Wave International

The Elliott Wave Theorist

Elliott Wave International

Stocks Pro Service

Elliott Wave International

Trader's Classroom

Elliott Wave International

Elliott Wave's Flash Services

Elliott Wave International

Energy Pro Service

Elliott Wave International

Currency Pro Service

Elliott Wave International

Metals Pro Service

Elliott Wave International

Financial Forecast Service

Elliott Wave International

European Financial Forecast Service

Elliott Wave International

Asian Pacific Financial Forecast Service

Elliott Wave International

  • The Club EWI community has over 350,000 members.
  • EWI consistently ranks among the top 50 financial websites according to Alexa rankings. 
  • It focuses on the teachings of Ralph Nelson Elliott's wave analysis, also known as the Elliott Wave Theory.
  • Subscriber base includes the world's major banks, money managers, hedge funds, insurance companies, and pension funds as well as tens of thousands of individual investors