Jeroen Blokland

Jeroen Blokland

Formal First Name

Jeroen Blokland is the Founder and Head of Research at True Insights, a macro investment research platform that provides diversified asset allocation and global ETF-based portfolios. With over 20 years of experience working in financial markets and asset management, Jeroen has acquired a lengthy background in building and managing portfolios, and a time-tested track record in tactical asset allocation. Prior to founding True Insights, he was Head of Multi-Asset at Robeco, a leading global asset manager with over EUR 200 billion in assets under management, where he managed several multi-asset portfolios for both institutional and retail clients. He also focused on strategic and tactical asset allocation, investment policy, fund selection, portfolio construction, and risk management during his tenure at Robeco. Previously, he was an Investment Strategist at IRIS, the independent research institute of Rabobank and Robeco.

Professional Experience

Academic History


  • True Insights implements an evidence-based and research-driven investment framework, incorporating macro, sentiment, and valuation indicators.

  • The firm allows investors to capitalize on market developments, allocate towards the most attractive asset classes, and enhance portfolio performance.


  • Constructing and managing investment portfolios

  • Multi-asset, tactical asset allocation

  • Building investment frameworks

  • Market developments and views, client investment objectives