Hecht Commodity Report

Hecht Commodity Report

The Hecht Commodity Report is one of the most comprehensive, deep-dive research reports available on commodities markets today. The report is designed to give you everything you need to know about commodities while also providing actionable buy and sell recommendations. It covers several asset areas, including energies, precious metals, currencies, stocks and bonds, grains, industrial metals and indices, and meats and soft commodities. While Hecht Commodity Report covers a lot of ground, it takes a consistent approach to translate it into takeaways and forward-looking ideas.


✓ A weekly report after the close each Wednesday which comprehensively reviews what happened and, more importantly, looks ahead to what might happen over the coming week. This service covers each of these sectors so that readers can get the full picture of the different assets and understand what's moving what. This also includes our weekly trade ideas. This is the foundation of the service.

✓ A weekly report posted after the Friday close that is briefer and reviews the key stories and headlines from the week past.

✓ Quarterly reports at the beginning of each quarter to review what happened in the prior quarter and provide an outlook for the quarter ahead, in each of the areas covered. 

✓ Chat room and regular access to Andy Hecht. The reports come out regularly, but he is available in the chat room in between in case members ever have questions or want to share ideas and stories.