Predictive Analytic Models

Predictive Analytic Models

Predictive Analytic Models provides real-time, real-money trading execution, and investment analyses. This premium service aims to create millionaires quickly by providing real-money trades that deliver more than 1,440 percent in trading performance or better. PAM supplies an analysis of market developments in the four major asset classes—equities, bonds, commodities, foreign exchange—as the market unfolds on day-to-day.

  • Predictive Analytic Models also run a portfolio tracker. The default trading period will be of the swing trading style, which usually lasts for 4 to 6 weeks.
  • But this service will also recommend much shorter-term trades if there is an apparent potential for rapid price advance over a compressed period of time.
  • Subscribers who desire to hold investments over longer time frames can voice out their preferences, and the team will help draw up or help design an investment plan for them.
  • The team interacts with subscribers to provide the best all-around lessons in trading/investing and in market macro-economics.