Ivanhoe Mines is a leading, commodity-diversified mining and exploration company that currently develops three principal projects in Africa, all of which produce metals that are essential for sustainable development. The company also focuses on exploring the next copper giant in Southern Africa's legendary mineral fields. Its climate change strategy is supported by four broad areas: low-emissions technology, portfolio positioning, reporting pathways, and stakeholder resilience.
Development of the planned underground mine at the Flatreef Discovery of platinum-group elements, nickel, copper and gold, in the northern Bushveld Complex.
Construction of multiple, high-grade underground mines at the Kakula and Kamoa copper deposits, with initial production scheduled to begin in Q3 2021. Kamoa-Kakula is Africa's largest high-grade copper discovery and, through phased expansions, is positioned to become one of the world's largest copper producers.
A major upgrading program by an Ivanhoe-led joint venture is underway at the past-producing high-grade zinc-copper-silver-germanium mine.