
Risk Ranges

Risk Ranges is designed to help investors buy low and sell high. It is based on a quantitative model developed by CEO Keith McCullough during his years as a hedge fund manager to help risk manage his positions. This quantitative tool is tailor-made for active traders searching for the elusive market edge. Every morning before the market opens, subscribers receive 20 proprietary immediate-term Buy/Sell levels on major markets, commodities and currencies in addition to a bullish/bearish/neutral intermediate term view for each ticker. In a nutshell, Risk Ranges is designed to help you understand where you're buying and selling within the risk range and help you make better sales at the top end of the range and purchases at the low end.

Inside Risk Ranges


Updated ranges on key tickers—everything from the S&P 500 and VIX to Gold, Oil and the Nikkei.


A refreshed update of tickers looming largest on our radar screen or submitted by our subscribers (from FAANG stocks to Tesla).


Our immediate-term levels (Trade) for 20 tickers in addition to Keith’s intermediate-term view (Trend), be it bullish, bearish or neutral.