Euan Sinclair is a trader with over 25 years of professional option trading experience. After clerking on the LIFFE floor, he became a market maker in DAX and EuroStoxx options. He specializes in the design and implementation of quantitative trading strategies, and subsequently traded options on indices, stocks, commodities and interest rate products as well as a number of equity and future strategies. Euan is currently a Partner at Talton Capital Management, a volatility-focused hedge fund. He is also the author of Volatility Trading, and Option Trading: Pricing and Volatility Strategies and Techniques.
Euan Sinclair Professional Experience / Academic History
Professional Experience
Academic History
Euan was a proprietary option trader for Bluefin Trading, where he traded based on quantitative models of his own design.
His books “Volatility Trading” and “Option Trading”, both published by Wiley, as well as numerous papers and articles.
Volatility Trading
Positional Option Trading: An Advanced Guide (Wiley Trading)
Volatility Trading (Wiley Trading Book 331)
Option Trading
Conveyancing Practice in Scotland: Sixth Edition
Volatility Trading: Options Quantitative Trader Guide (Original 2)
Conveyancing Practice in Scotland: Seventh Edition
Conveyancing Practice in Scotland
Conveyancing Practice in Scotland: Seventh Edition
Euan has appeared as a guest on Real Vision.