Tony Saliba is a globally-renowned business leader, multi-faceted serial entrepreneur, option trading pioneer, author, shareholder, operator, and investor in nearly 100 companies. A pioneer in the trading industry for four decades, Tony has been the founding member of key companies in the trading and tech industries such as Efficient Capital Management, International Trading Institute, Liquid Point, Fortify Technologies, and more. He has been a dominant presence in all markets in which he traded, holding volume records in a number of classes. His areas of expertise include workflow automation for derivatives agency activities, securities routing/execution, risk management, strategic planning, electronic trading, and derivatives education. Today, Tony is the Vice Chairman of the Board of Managers at Matrix Executions, CEO of Mercury Digital Assets, and CEO of Option Technology Solutions. He currently maintains a global team of staffers in offices around the US, UK, India and China helping companies achieve high rates of growth and identifies initiatives to unlock exponential value.
Tony Saliba Professional Experience / Academic History
Professional Experience
Academic History
International Trading Institute: built and delivered the first options simulator and pioneered training for pro traders and market makers worldwide.
LiquidPoint: a trading platform, broker and solution provider sold to ConvergEx for a mid-9-figure sum.
Efficient Capital Management: a premier managed futures firm.
Fortify Technologies: a key non-trading-specific technology firm.
He traded most CBOE products, currencies and the S&P 500 contracts on the CME, along with the agricultural and interest rate products traded on the CBOT.
He spent three years on the Board of Directors at CBOE and also served for two years on the board of the Chicago Stock Exchange.
Managing Expectations: Driving Profitable Option Trading Outcomes Through Knowledge, Discipline, and Risk Management (2016)
Option Spread Strategies: Trading Up, Down, and Sideways Markets (2009)
Option Strategies for Directionless Markets: Trading with Butterflies, Iron Butterflies, and Condors (2008)
2019 U.S. Options Lifetime Contribution Award, U.S. Options Exchanges
2019 U.S. Options Lifetime Contribution Award, Options Industry Council
He was the only options trader to be featured in "Market Wizards", the seminal book by Jack Schwager, featuring the world’s best professional traders.
He has also appeared as a guest on Real Vision.