Managing Expectations

Managing Expectations

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Managing Expectations: Driving Profitable Option Trading Outcomes through Knowledge, Discipline, and Risk Management

Managing Expectations is a book that discusses strategies and tactics used by author Anthony Saliba to achieve his 70 consecutive months of profitable options trading. This book allows traders to learn about trading options while navigating the markets for volatility and opportunity. Saliba tackles implied volatility from a theoretical and practical standpoint, including full complement of studies on first and second order greeks including gamma, delta, vanna, and vomma. Managing Expectations projects trading techniques from short-term gamma scalping to trend following, while delineating how to manage risk.

"I think it's going to be the new standard by which all options books are judged."
Jared Dillian, author of Street Freak and Mauldin Economics 10th Man.

"I believe this book will be considered the new options trading bible."
Brian Shannon, Alphatrends

"Managing Expectations does not appear to be a light summer read but may provide the depth to put emerging options traders on solid footing. Saliba is an options master and if you have a desire to learn chess rather than checkers, you may want to pick up his new book."
Dan Collins, Editor-in-Chief, Modern Trader Magazine

"Knowledge of synthetic relationships is a dying art of the new-world trader. Tony always emphasized the power of studying option synthetics as a way to separate yourself from the crowd."
Chris Hausman, Portfolio & Chief Technical Strategist, Swan Global Investments