Brien Lundin

Brien Lundin

Formal First Name

Brien Lundin is the President and CEO of Jefferson Financial, a highly regarded publisher of market analyses and producer of investment-oriented events. Through Jefferson Financial, he serves as the Publisher and Editor of Gold Newsletter, a cornerstone of precious metals advisories since 1971. He also hosts the New Orleans Investment Conference, the oldest and most respected investment event of its kind, where he annually brings the giants of investing, economics and geopolitics together in knowledgeable presentations with many of today’s most sophisticated private investors. Lundin’s decades-long career has included analyzing and speculating in the metals, mining and technology sectors. He also has a career spanning four decades in the investment markets—teaming up with market experts periodically to produce in-depth reports and investors guides.

Professional Experience

Academic History


  • Gold Newsletter stands as the oldest continuously-published precious metals and mining advisory, having served as the cornerstone of the industry since 1971.

  • For 50 years, Gold Newsletter has provided serious investors with a behind-the-scenes view into the precious metals and resource stock markets, and consistently led its readers to profits of a degree rarely found elsewhere.

  • He covers not only resource stocks, but also the entire world of investing, from small-caps of every type to macroeconomics and geopolitical issues that ultimately affect every investor


  • The New Orleans Investment Conference is the single best place to learn how to protect and build your wealth during uncertain markets. 

  • Founded in 1974, a wide range of topics have received coverage in these conferences, including monetary policy, boom and bust cycles, safe haven assets, growing debt levels, wealth resilience and the junior mining sector. 

  • The three day event is the longest consecutively running investment conference in the world that features sophisticated seasoned investors, renowned speakers, industry analysts, market watchers, and resource companies from the precious metals, energy and battery metals sectors.


  • Lundin and his work have  been profiled and featured in various financial media outlets and publications.