New Orleans Investment Conference

New Orleans Investment Conference

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New Orleans Investment Conference is the single best place to learn how to protect and build your wealth during uncertain markets. Founded in 1974, a wide range of topics have received coverage in these conferences, including monetary policy, boom and bust cycles, safe haven assets, growing debt levels, wealth resilience and the junior mining sector. The three day event is the longest consecutively running investment conference in the world that features sophisticated seasoned investors, renowned speakers, industry analysts, market watchers, and resource companies from the precious metals, energy and battery metals sectors.

  • The New Orleans Investment Conference ranks as the preeminent gathering of private investors and attracts wealthy individuals from all 50 states and over 35 nations.
  • The conference aims to discover new opportunities and strategies, exchange ideas, plan for the coming year and enjoy the camaraderie of like-minded individuals in America’s most fascinating and entertaining city.
  • Speakers and guests from around the world include:

                - Lady Margaret Thatcher

                - Former President Gerald Ford

                - General H. Norman Schwarzkopf

                - Nobel Prize-winning economists Milton Friedman and F.A. Hayek

                - Dr. Henry Kissinger

                - Senator Barry Goldwater

                - Admiral Hyman Rickover

                - Louis Rukeyser

                - Sir John Templeton