Tom Gentile

Tom Gentile

Formal First Name
1965 - present

Tom Gentile is a 25-year veteran and leading authority in stocks, options, futures, commodities, and currencies. Gentile is known as a master of developing rules-based trading strategies and has invested millions of dollars to develop the most technologically-advanced investing tools in the world. Since 2009, he has taught more than 300,000 traders the secrets of spotting high-probability and low-risk trade opportunities. He has also authored and co-author of over a dozen Amazon best-selling books, including his latest book, Trade like a 1-Percenter. Most recently, Gentile is the founder and editor of, a company with state-of-the-art software analytics for option traders.

Fast Fortune Club

Fast Fortune Club


Alpha 9

Alpha 9


Alpha 9 Trader

Alpha 9 Trader

Trading Service

Cryptocurrency Windfalls

Cryptocurrency Windfalls

Trading Service

Weekly Money Call

Weekly Money Call

Trading Service

Money Calendar Pro

Money Calendar Pro

Trading Service

V3 Trader

V3 Trader

Trading Service

Daily Flash Cash

Daily Flash Cash

Trading Service


  • Gentile is known as America's #1 Pattern Trader.

  • He had built Optionetics, one of the largest financial technology companies showing people how to trade.

  • In 2009, he sold Optionetics to one of the largest discount brokers in the world for millions of dollars.