ASA Macro

ASA Macro

ASA Macro is an independent research publication that provides an analysis of secular macroeconomic trends. It provides trade opportunities across all asset classes and options to take advantage of them. Investors will find value in this unique and proven investment framework and risk management system. ASA Macro also offers data and analysis through a weekly newsletter that combines the latest in macro trends, business cycle analysis, fundamental analysis, and technical/momentum indicators.


The Model Portfolio

Based on the principals of fragility/anti-fragility, the model portfolio has outperformed the S&P by 15% YTD. It has beaten the S&P four of the last five years with a lower market correlation and a higher Sharpe ratio. 

Trade Reports

ASA Macro also takes advantage of short-term opportunities by offering trade recommendations. All tradeecommendations involve entry points, price targets, and stop losses. 

The Weekly Newsletter

Weekly publications that may take the form of a monthly portfolio performance review, chartbook, buy/sell alert, deep dive into an asset class, or market update. 

Flash Updates

These are for market events that require immediate attention or interesting data points that may not align with the theme of the Weekly Newsletter.

Chat Room

This is a chance for subscribers to ask questions, receive clarification, and make requests.