Bond and Money Markets

Bond and Money Markets

Full Name
Bond and Money Markets: Strategy, Trading, Analysis

The Bond and Money Markets is an invaluable reference to all aspects of fixed income markets and instruments. It is highly regarded as an introduction and an advanced text for professionals and graduate students. This book is virtually a stand-alone reference book on interest rate swaps, the money markets, financial market mathematics, interest-rate futures, and technical analysis. It is aimed at a wide readership including bond salespersons, traders, corporate financiers, and graduate trainees.

Praise for Bond and Money Markets

"Moorad is a master of his subject. He is a rare financial markets author, in being both highly readable and yet still informative to practitioners. The academic will find a lot to admire in this comprehensive and lucid guide. The reader will come to treat this book as his bible."

David Wileman, CEO, King & Shaxson Bond Brokers Limited

"Moorad has written an excellent handbook on fixed income markets. It provides a broad-ranging practitioner"s guide to all instruments and trading approaches that make fixed income an exciting market."

Jan Loeys, Global Head of Fixed Income Research, J.P.Morgan & Co.

"The author writes very lucidly on fixed-income issues and combines mathematics and text very effectively. I found the chapters interesting and easy to read."

Dr. Stephen Satchell, Fellow of Trinity College

"In the Bond and Money Markets, Moorad Choudhry has managed to combine the clarity of explanation vital to students of the subject with sufficient content and detail to ensure that even the experienced practitioner will find this book an invaluable asset. To have covered such a complex area so effectively within one reference book is a notable achievement, to have done so with such obvious enthusiasm only adds to the excellence of this work."

Martin Barber, Partner, Financial Services, KPMG Consulting.

"A fantastic achievement and set to become the premier reference on global debt capital markets. Written in the author"s trademark accessible style, this is a superlative and enthusiastic contribution to the financial e onomics literature."

Daniel Shakhani, Global Credit Strategy, Goldman Sachs International.

"After spending a lifetime reading dry prose in capital markets texts, this is like a fresh breeze from an author with knowledge and experience. The conversational style, real worked examples and excellent illustrations make the understanding of complex issues very easy. In my opinion, everyone from market professionals to market novices will find something of great value in this book, and most will end up with a well-thumbed copy."

Pantea Rezaifard, Vice President, Corporate and Sovereign Trading, Merrill Lynch.