10x Profits

10x Profits

10X Profits is a systematic market-timing strategy that has been specifically designed to help readers know when to and when not to be invested in stock markets

  • System is a market timing model
  • Follows a systematic approach that leaves out emotions
  • Systematic market-timing strategy
    • Not a stock picking services
    • A Yes/No indicator of when to be invested in stock markets or safe in cash
    • Designed to adapt to market changes
    • Built off the concept of "Divergence", "Convergence" & "Volatility"
  • specifically designed to help readers "flip the switch" 
  • Newsletter explores topics around human behavior and investing - the intersection between man and market
  • Model recommends risk-off when a combo of increasing volatility and growing divergences between top- and bottom-performing markets reaches an above-average level.