DeMark Analytics

DeMark Analytics

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DeMark Analytics is committed to the research, development, and implementation of proprietary financial models and software. The firm is known internationally for its objective and mechanically-driven approach to both trading and investing. It brings the most comprehensive market-timing experience available, with the predictive power of the DeMark Indicators and a range of supplemental services and functions.


Symbolik® by DeMARK®

Symbolik is a cloud-based financial analytics application delivering institutional-grade charting, technical analysis, scanning, alerting, enhanced features, and all things DeMARK via the web.

Bloomberg Terminal

The DeMARK Service and DeMARK Re/Search 2.0 integrate the most comprehensive market timing suite with Bloomberg’s unrivaled financial information platform.

CQG Integrated Client

The market timing precision of DeMARK is available on one of the industry’s most respected charting and graphics applications.

DeMARK Prime

A standalone desktop charting application offering DeMARK and a host of both standard and advanced financial tools and features.