Gold Trading Boot Camp

Gold Trading Boot Camp

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Gold Trading Boot Camp: How to Master the Basics and Become a Successful Commodities Investor

Gold Trading Boot Camp tells you everything you need to know when going to battle in today's volatile trading environment. This technique-driven handbook tells you which trading environments are tailor-made for building speculative wealth in gold trading, while at the same time explaining how to maximize your profitability from buying and selling gold in virtually every type of market environment. With the fast-paced and well-researched Gold Trading Boot Camp as your guide, you'll discover how to take profitable advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime investment opportunity.

Praise for Gold Trading Boot Camp

"If speculate you must, read Weldon first."

James Grant, Editor, Grant's Interest Rate Observer

"This book delivers on all of the essential elements of successful financial literature. Weldon provides a compelling context, walks through the metrics that affect the price action, and assimilates the decision-making process in kind. From soup to nuts, this is one of the most comprehensive tutorials I've read on the subject of commodities."

Todd Harrison, Founder and CEO, Minyanville Publishing and Multimedia, LLC

"The gold price is rising in today's turbulent financial times. Preparation and knowledge are essential to profit from higher prices, and this book provides everything you need to take advantage of the trading opportunities that lie ahead."

James Turk, Founder,

"This book, with its insights into the current investment climate coincides with what many feel is a new bull market in gold. There is no 'one-size-fits-all' investment approach, but every investor who applies such preparation and rigor as Greg outlines will certainly have increased returns with fewer losses. It should be on every investor's bookshelf, handy for reference, and re-read every year."

Kim Evans, CEO, Global Building and Supply