Saifedean Ammous

Saifedean Ammous

Formal First Name

Saifedean Ammous is a world-renowned economist, educator, and bestselling author on Bitcoin. He is the Founder and CEO of, where he teaches economics to thousands of students worldwide and hosts The Bitcoin Standard Podcast, where he discusses Austrian Economics and Bitcoin. Dr. Ammous’s work on Bitcoin and cryptocurrency has made him a household name in the financial sector. His book, The Bitcoin Standard, is the bestselling study of the economics of Bitcoin which has been translated to over 35 languages. His research interests also  include energy and environmental economics as well as monetary economics and political economy. Previously, he spent more than a decade at Lebanese American University, joining the institution in 2009 as a Lecturer in Economics until his departure in 2019 as an Associate Professor of Economics.

Professional Experience

Academic History


  • The Bitcoin Standard is the bestselling, groundbreaking study of the economics of Bitcoin.

  • Saifedean is a pioneer in the economies of cryptocurrencies and their potential to change the world for the better.

  • The book was a pioneer in explaning Bitcoin's value proposition as the hardest money ever discovered, and the only working alternative to national central banks for international payments.