Austrian Economics, Money and Finance

Austrian Economics, Money and Finance

Full Name
Austrian Economics, Money and Finance: Banking, Money and International Finance

Austrian Economics, Money, and Finance investigates the problems associated with mainstream monetary economics and finance and proposes alternatives based on the Austrian school of economics. It explores the need for a new theoretical foundation for asset pricing and investment management that will give practitioners more useful orientation.

  • In monetary economics, the Austrian school regards the creation of money by banks through credit extension as a key source of economic instability.

  • In finance, the Austrian school rejects the notion of rational expectations and measurable risk.

Table of Contents

  1. The functions of money and money creation

  2. The concept of inflation

  3. The concept of interest

  4. The order of money

  5. Debt and property

  6. The building blocks of Modern Finance

  7. The failures of Modern Finance

  8. How Modern Finance has contributed to financial crises

  9. Building blocks of a theory of Austrian Finance

  10. From theory to practice