Ironsides Macroeconomics

Ironsides Macroeconomics

Founding Date

Ironsides Macroeconomics is an independent provider of macroeconomic and public policy strategy for institutional and sophisticated investors. The consultancy's approach is utilizing corporate or micro data to analyze macroeconomic secular and cyclical trends. The firm analyzes economics and policy from the lens of a long-time market participant, Barry Knapp. The firm focuses on sustainable trends and assets they believe that are either under or overvalued given our economic and policy outlook, as well as risks underappreciated by markets.


  • Their strengths include:

  • A deep understanding of macroeconomic and public policy trends

  • A track record of accurate forecasting

  • A commitment to providing high-quality research and analysis


  • Macroeconomic Research and Analysis.

    In-depth research about global economic trends, focusing on identifying long-term trends and potential risks.

  • Public Policy Research and Analysis.

    The firm closely monitors and analyzes public policy developments around the world, assessing their potential impact on the global economy, financial markets, and specific industries. 

  • Investment Recommendations.

    They consider clients' risk tolerance, investment objectives, and time horizons to formulate appropriate asset allocation strategies.

  • Portfolio Construction.

    The firm offers portfolio construction services, assisting clients in building diversified portfolios aligned with their investment goals and risk profiles. 

  • Risk Management.

    They employ various risk management techniques to mitigate potential losses and protect clients' capital.