Rohan Grey

Rohan Grey

Formal First Name

Rohan Grey is an Assistant Professor of Law at Willamette University, where he teaches Contracts, Business Organizations, and Securities Regulation. His research focuses on the legal design and regulation of money and finance in the internet age, including digital fiat currency as well as broader issues of law and political economy. Prior to entering legal academia, Grey practiced law in New York City as an attorney for children, where he focused on issues relating to custody and visitation, abuse and neglect, guardianship, and foster care.

Professional Experience

Academic History



  • Grey interned for:
    • U.S. Magistrate Judge James C. Francis IV
    • Judge Fredericka H. Wicker of the Louisiana Fifth Circuit Court of Appeal
    • Oklahoma Lawyers for Children
    • Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts
    • the National Center for Youth Law
    • the Legal Aid Society’s Education Advocacy Project
  • He has consulted with: