Money and the Coming World Order

Money and the Coming World Order

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Money and the Coming World Order

Money and the Coming World Order addresses the inquiries of the post-war world political economy and its probable evolution. Through the authors’ perception of both monetary order and political-economic order reflecting on the overall international distribution of power, this book also covers the national economic policy as a large player with problems of unemployment and inflation. Four views and some other variants are tackled in this book: Stalemate-but tolerable and lasting? A system that needs an unfindable leader? Incipient blocs? Fixed rates with national discipline and no official reserve currencies? With these in mind, world prosperity depends on monetary reform, Federal Reserve reform, and restoration of international monetary order to avoid national bankruptcy.

  • According to the authors, national bankruptcy or its equivalent is not inevitable. Monetary reform, led by America, is still plausible, especially because monetary reform has again become a national political issue.