Adrian Day is a renowned authority in global and resource investing, known as the pioneer in promoting the benefits of global value investing. He is the Founder and President of Adrian Day Asset Management, a global money management firm that has been serving private investors and small institutions successfully since 1991, where he specializes in global diversification and resource equities for individual and institutional clients. In addition, he is the Editor-in Chief of Global Analyst, a premium advisory service about global value investing, where he gained one of North America’s largest subscription audiences for his skill in identifying unusual and profitable investment opportunities in the world. Adrian spent many years as a financial investment writer, where he gained a large following for his expertise in searching out unusual investment opportunities around the world. Widely recognized for his global investment commentaries and his published research, Adrian takes a global approach, looking for value in all sectors and worldwide, including North America, South America, China, Korea or Japan.
Adrian Day Professional Experience / Academic History
Professional Experience
Academic History
Adrian specialties include natural resources, acting as the portfolio manager for the EuroPacific Gold Fund.
He was an early investor in Franco Nevada, arguably the greatest gold stock investment of the last several decades, where his return was 11,557%.
International Tax Planning Association in London
International Association for Financial Planning
Offshore Institute
Adrian is a valued advisor and a sought-after speaker at financial conferences and seminars.
He has been a frequent guest on CNBC and Wall Street Journal radio.
He has been interviewed in Barron's, The Cape Town Argus, La Vie Francaus, and many other leading publications.
He has also appeared as a guest on Real Vision.
Investing in Resources: How to Profit from the Outsized Potential and Avoid the Risks (2010)
International Investment Opportunities: How and Where to Invest Overseas Successfully (1983)
Investing Without Borders: The Best Opportunities Around the World for the 80's (1982)