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Validea develops investment research products and tools by utilizing systematic fundamentally-based models of legendary investors and academics. It aims to identify and implement the factor-based strategies with the best long-term records. To do this, Validea offers a systematic investment framework that helps investors overcome the emotions and biases that often eat away at long-term performance. The firm’s quantitative models act as core engine products such as guru model portfolios, stock screens, trade alerts and individual stock analysis. Validea specializes in value investing, online investment research, guru investing, and fundamental stock selection, and has been featured in CNBC, Barron's, Kiplinger, and Fox Business. The investing tools and system are deployed via the firm’s flagship web property,, as well as with select partners and co-developed products.


Guru Analysis

Validea's Guru Analysis offers a step by step fundamental analysis of any stock using interpretation of the strategies of Wall Street Legends like Warren Buffett, Peter Lynch, and Benjamin Graham.

Model Portfolios

Users have the ability to view 10 and 20 stock model portfolios that are changed monthly, quarterly, annually, and tax efficiently. Changes are made on set dates, making the portfolios changes easy to view and follow. 

Stock Screener

The screening application allows for strategies to be combined and allows for users to add in their own fundamental filters to further refine the list of investment ideas

ETF Factor Report & Screener

The ETF Factor screener enables investors to find new ETF ideas by screening on exposures, fees, sector exposures, and other fundamental criteria.

ETF Model Portfolios

These models are used to select the ETFs for the portfolios and vary across the risk and return spectrum. Validea’s ETF model portfolios have performance statistics back to late 2006

Trend Following

Validea's Trend Following is run on all major asset classes, investment styles, sectors, and even on our Guru Model Portfolios.