Rule #1

Rule #1

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Rule #1: The Simple Strategy for Successful Investing in Only 15 Minutes a Week!

Phil Town is a very wealthy man, but he wasn’t always. In Rule #1, you’ll learn more of his fresh, think-outside-the-box rules. This book takes readers step-by-step through a do-it-yourself process, equipping even the biggest investing-phobes with the tools they need to make quantum leaps toward financial security—regardless of where the market is headed.

Praise for Rule #1

“Extraordinarily readable…provides investors with surefire tools to outperform costly advisors. Follow Town’s simple, time-tested precepts, and even unsophisticated investors will leave most mutual fund managers in the dust.”

Arthur Levitt, author of Take on the Street 

“A really smart, homework-driven read that tells you precisely how to do it. Rule #1 may be the clearest and best book out there to get you on the path to riches. This one’s special!”

Jim Cramer, Host of CNBC’s “Mad Money

Rule #1 is an investment Bible for our time. In fun, easy-to-understand words, Phil Town tells you how to buy quality stocks at a discount.”

Rich Karlgaard, Publisher, Forbes magazine

“For the individual investor, Rule No. 1 should be, ‘Read Rule #1.’ This book debunks a lot of myths in the market and provides pearls of common-sense wisdom. Indeed, Rule #1 rules.”

Gene Marcial, Senior Writer, Business Week

Rule #1’s common-sense, pragmatic approach is money in the bank.  This step-by-step guide is methodically researched and terrifically accessible. Can you really beat the mutual fund mangers and so-called experts at their own game?  Hell yes!”

Jonathan Hoenig, Portfolio Manager, Capitalistpig Hedge Fund

Rule #1 is probably one of the most inclusive, no-nonsense, fundamental books about investing in the stock market I’ve ever read. This book is a must-read for everyone; from beginner students of the market to super know-it-alls.”

Danielle Hughes, President and CEO, Divine Capital Markets LLC

“A refreshing departure from those boring investing books… If you're tired of being shut out of how exactly the rich guys on Wall Street make money, this important book will teach you how to run with the bulls. It's priceless.”

Elizabeth MacDonald, Senior Editor at Forbes Magazine