The Essays of Warren Buffett

The Essays of Warren Buffett

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The Essays of Warren Buffett: Lessons for Corporate America

Developed and introduced by a main apostle of the value investing principle, this book is a classic work concerning Warren Buffett and his intelligent investment philosophy. A wide array of Buffett's letters to the shareholders of Berkshire Hathaway written over the past few decades were collated to furnish readers with an enormously valuable informal education. The letters express all the fundamental principles of sound business practices. Here in one place are the priceless pearls of business and investment wisdom, woven into a delightful narrative on the major topics concerning both managers and investors.

Larry Cunningham has done a great job at collating our philosophy.”

Warren Buffett

"Larry Cunningham takes Buffett's brilliant letters to a still-higher level by organizing them into single-subject chapters. The book begins, moreover, with an excellent introduction by Larry.”

Carol Loomis

“This is a very important book. I recommend it to everyone who is interested in learning about investing, corporate governance, and business judgement.”

Bill Ackman

“The book on Buffett—a superb job.”


“Extraordinary—full of wisdom, humor, and common sense.”


“A classic on value investing and the definitive source on Buffett.”

Financial Times

“Cunningham has done a truly commendable job distilling and organizing the essence of Buffett's letter to Berkshire shareholders...While the essays reviewed in the latest edition of this volume range across a broad assortment of topics, for most readers the most valuable part of this book will be Buffett's lessons and insights on investing. It is extraordinarily rewarding to be able to survey the accumulated wisdom of one of the world's most successful investors.”

Kevin M. LaCroix, The D&O Diary