The Dhandho Investor

The Dhandho Investor

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The Dhandho Investor: The Low-Risk Value Method to High Returns

In a straightforward and accessible fashion, The Dhandho Investor provides the solid framework of value investing. Penned with the intelligent individual investor in mind, this complete guide distills the Dhandho capital allocation framework and extends how they can be applied effectively to the stock market. The Dhandho method extends on the groundbreaking truth of value investing expounded by Warren Buffet, Benjamin Graham, and Charlie Munger. The book introduces key value investing concepts such as "Heads, I win! Tails, I don't lose that much!" and "Few Bets, Big Bets, Infrequent Bets." Any investor who follows the framework is bound to improve on results and soundly beat the markets and most professionals.

"Today's greatest rising investor"

⁠— Motley Fool

"How to invest the way an Indian migrant with little money would do - by looking for companies with little downside…"

⁠— Financial Times, Tues 26th February