The Art of Value Investing

The Art of Value Investing

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The Art of Value Investing: How the World's Best Investors Beat the Market

Whether you're a rookie in the industry in need of an A-to-Z value investing primer, an expert investor aiming to expand and refine your bag of tricks, or an individual investor looking to identify the best money managers, The Art of Value Investing is for you. In writing it, John Heins and Whitney Tilson have reached a remarkable feat: Bringing together a collective knowledge of today's most successful investors and refining it into a series of actionable lessons that can be put into practice right away. The trick is to find the combination of strategies, tools, and techniques that is proper for you, attends to your specific financial goals, and best fits your personality and emotional makeup.

"I learned the investment business largely from the work and thinking of other investors. The Art of Value Investing is a thoughtfully organized compilation of some of the best investment insights I have ever read. Read this book with care. It will be one of the highest-return investments you will ever make."

William A. Ackman, founder, Pershing Square Capital Management

"An outstanding addition to the volumes written on value investing. Not only do the authors offer their own valuable insights but they have provided in one publication invaluable insights from some of the most accomplished professionals in the investment business. I would call this publication a must-read for any serious investor."

Leon G. Cooperman, founder, Chairman and CEO, Omega Advisors

"In this treasure chest of quotes by proven money managers, it is the love of the game and the joy of meeting the challenges put forth by a very demanding business that captivated me. The lessons are like scars and they are revealed here firsthand."

Jeff Ubben, founder, ValueAct Capital

"A must-read for any serious investor. John and Whitney have produced a veritable bible that reveals the secrets of some of the greatest contemporary investment minds in the world."

Jonathon S. Jacobson, founder and CIO, Highfields Capital Management

"There's hard-won wisdom on every page from a who's who of value investors. If you want to understand the thinking behind their long-term success, The Art of value Investing will be valuable reading."

David Herro, Harris Associates

"John Heins and Whitney Tilson have put together an incredibly well-compiled set of thoughts, many from my favorite peers, on every important topic for investors."

Staley Cates, President and CIO, Southeastern Asset Management

"I often judge a book by how many times I get my highlighter out and dog-ear pages. On that metric, this book is wonderful—simply packed with insight from some of the best long-term investors. Everyone will learn something from this book."

James Montier, GMO