The Manual of Ideas

The Manual of Ideas

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The Manual of Ideas: The Proven Framework for Finding the Best Value Investments

Successful investing begins with impeccable idea generation. The Manual of Ideas is the imperative resource to rely on for cutting edge research and investment ideas. The world’s most successful money managers have developed their own methods to seizing the right opportunities at the right time. As the ultimate guidebook for value investing opportunities, this book takes you inside the minds of the top names in finance to learn how they come up with bright ideas that lead to excellent returns.

"Smart investors will read this book carefully and hope that few others do."

Bryan Lawrence, founder, Oakcliff Capital

"This is a fantastic book chock-full of investing wisdom fit for both amateur and pro. John has produced an investment gem that's wide-ranging in scope yet packaged in concise form."

Allan Mecham, founder, Arlington Value Capital

"A great read and very useful. The strategies in The Manual of Ideas give investors tangible and solid opportunities to maximize any portfolio."

Dave Sather, President, Sather Financial Group, Inc.

"John Mihaljevic publishes what I regard as the very best investing newsletter on the planet. Actually, it is more of a frequently updated investing manual. This fantastic book is chock-full of exceptional value investing wisdom gleaned from the best and curated by perhaps the best value investing curator out there. Reading it can only lead to better investing results for everyone. Thank you, John, for your exceptional service to the value investing community."

Mohnish Pabrai, Managing Partner, Pabrai Investment Funds

"The Manual of Ideas is a comprehensive investing book that clearly outlines a variety of ways to successfully navigate the complex global investment landscape. There are many excellent insights, describing specific tools, strategies, and approaches to becoming an outstanding investor. The book includes approaches used by some of the best investors in the world to generate ideas, evaluate business models, and assess management teams. While successful investing requires flexibility and originality, it must always be grounded in a disciplined analytical approach, focusing first on assessing and managing risk. I highly recommend The Manual of Ideas to all prospective investors from beginners to experienced practitioners."

Paul Lountzis, President, Lountzis Asset Management, LLC

"Informed by countless hours interviewing the world's greatest investors and John's rich experience and insights, The Manual of Ideas arms the reader with a powerful set of idea-generation tools. The book efficiently covers the spectrum of value investing approaches, each brought to life with outstanding real-world examples. The book's combination of effective tools and instruction offers a high return on investment!"

Jason Dunn, CFA, founder/Portfolio Manager, White Bison Capital