Alpha Investor


Alpha Investor is one of America's fastest-growing investment publications that targets returns that exceed market benchmarks. Alpha Investor focuses on identifying undervalued stocks with strong growth potential. The newsletter typically looks for stocks trading below their intrinsic value, based on fundamental analysis metrics such as earnings growth potential, profitability, and market position. The newsletter offers you access to Charles Mizrahi's groundbreaking way of investing — an approach that’s accessible to everyone, regardless of how much money you have, your investment acumen or your risk tolerance. It offers weekly updates, trade alerts, monthly briefings, and access to a model portfolio


If a company is within an industry that has the potential to grow over 100% in the next few years, then it is considered to be in an Alpha Industry.

  • Step 2: Alpha Management. 

Companies with a great leadership team and CEO with a solid track record of increasing revenue, earnings, and share price over time have Alpha M2anagement.

Mizrahi studies each company’s income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements to determine whether they are fundamentally sound.


  • Weekly Updates. 

Mizrahi provides updates on how each position is doing and big news affecting the economy.

Along with the newsletter, a model portfolio will keep you in the loop with all of Charles Mizrahi’s current stock recommendations.

When you need to take profits on an existing position, he will send you an email that will explain exactly what you need to do. You can make the trade over your phone, desktop or tablet.

  • Monthly Briefings. 

Each month, he will dive into a specific topic. Usually, the topic revolves around a new investment he is targeting.

All past and current issues are stored on their encrypted website that members can access anytime, anywhere.