Porter Stansberry is the Founder of Stansberry Research, the leading subscription-based publisher of financial information and software. He is the author of Stansberry's Investment Advisory, one of the most widely read financial newsletters in the world. He also serves as Founder and Board Member of MarketWise, a leading multi-brand digital subscription services platform. Porter has been rewriting the rules of financial publishing for more than 25 years. He is well-known for tackling some of the most important – and often controversial – work in the financial advisory business. He was the first American editor of the "Fleet Street Letter," the world's oldest English language financial newsletter.
Porter Stansberry Professional Experience / Academic History
Professional Experience
Academic History
Under his leadership, the publisher has become one of the most respected and sought-after research organizations in the financial sector.
He is one of the authors of Stansberry's Investment Advisory which covers investments and financial investment theory in products, realty, and the stock market.
He also contributes to True Wealth, DailyWealth Trader and The Growth Stock Wire, other Stansberry Research study publications.
Porter has made a series of impressive market calls over his career. He has been rewriting the rules of financial publishing for more than 25 years.
Founder and Board Member, MarketWise
Founder, OneBlade
The bankruptcy of the world’s largest mortgage brokers, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, in May 2008.
The collapse of America's biggest mall owner, General Growth Properties, in 2009.
The collapse of General Motors in 2009.
He predicted and tracked the rise of hydraulic fracturing in the United States… and its ultimate collapse.
And called a 550% rise in the price of bitcoin in the summer of 2020.