The Little Book of Valuation

The Little Book of Valuation

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The Little Book of Valuation: How to Value a Company, Pick a Stock and Profit

The Little Book of Valuation is an accessible and intuitive guide to stock valuation. It explains the techniques in language that any investors can understand, so you can make better investment decisions when reviewing stock research reports and engaging in independent efforts to value and pick stocks. Page by page, it distills the fundamentals of valuation, without glossing over or ignoring key concepts. Along the way, this little book covers various valuation approaches from intrinsic or discounted cash flow valuation and multiples or relative valuation to some elements of real options valuation.

"There is nothing 'little' about Damodaran's The Little Book of Valuation. The whole gamut of ideas that form the basis for all business valuations― covered in his many multi-hundred-page classics-are all here, with the same rigor, clarity, pointedness, and wit."

Professor Anant K. Sundaram, Tuck School of Business, Dartmouth College

"The Little Book of Valuation is a great book that I will recommend to my students and friends. This book is an impressive synthesis of sound theory and best practice. It is completely accessible to the novice. It is also an important addition to the professional library of the finance specialist. Acquire it without hesitation."

Pablo Fernandez, Professor of Finance IESE Business School, Spain

"Damodaran's fast read book offers valuable insights for both institutional and sophisticated individual investors. Within the confines of 'intrinsic' (income approach) and 'relative' (market approach) analysis, he identifies the 'value drivers' in several broad categories of stocks and the most important factors to look for, and how to treat them in valuation for each category."

Shannon Pratt, Chairman and CEO, Shannon Pratt Valuations