Power Options Weekly

Power Options Weekly

Parent Entity

Power Options Weekly is a financial service performing a thorough, computerized scan of the markets to spot the best calls and puts to own. This investment advisory is a product of years of computer simulation and trial and error. Introducing a new system that focuses only on deep discount, Power Options Weekly scours the market to determine which options are highly under-priced. Having the primary aim to uncover regular monthly options that are poised to bring massive gains, this advisory offers an easy-to-follow trade instructions, packed with entry prices, profit targets, and stop losses.


5 explosive Power Options Weekly trades every Friday, before the market opens. You tell me explicitly what to buy… how much to pay… and when to exit the trade.

The Power Options Weekly Mid-Week Review with market analysis and position updates.

Power Options Weekly Alerts by email whenever it’s time to take profits or exit any trade.

24/7 Use of the Member-Only Power Options Weekly Website, where I can view current and closed trades; access all previous Reviews and Alerts; get your options trading Guides; and more.

3 FREE weeks — 15 free explosive trades.