Become a Valuation Guru

Become a Valuation Guru

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Become a Valuation Guru - Enterprise Value Calculation

Become a Valuation Guru is a unique online course that will teach you all you need to know about calculating Enterprise Value: a fundamental building block in valuation. Many people rely on Bloomberg and similar systems for their valuation data, but can lead to serious errors for more complex businesses. This course will teach you the tricks that the professionals use to refine their enterprise value calculations, so that you have a better starting point to pick winning stocks. The course is presented in a simple and easy to understand way, and will give you actionable ideas, and equip you with the tools and techniques to make this a central part of your analytical framework.

EV is a core tool in any valuation analysis. This course will teach you how to incorporate:

Associates and minorities, even with limited info

Complicated holding company structures

Debt priced at a premium

Dynamic EVs, using cash flow forecasts

Many other complexities and refinements