Behind the Balance Sheet

Behind the Balance Sheet

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Behind the Balance Sheet is a research consultancy and training firm producing bespoke investment research, mainly for long-short funds. With its roots in equity research, Behind the Balance Sheet is now applying the skills it has developed in that environment to a wider audience. It is comprised of a team of largely ex-hedge fund, corporate finance, and sell-side investment analysts that are skilled in understanding the value of companies and forecasting future profitability.

Cash - When it's NOT What it Seems

Behind the Balance Sheet

Mind the GAAP

Behind the Balance Sheet

Debenhams Case Study

Behind the Balance Sheet

Become a Valuation Guru

Behind the Balance Sheet

BASICS: Getting Started in Equities

Behind the Balance Sheet

How to Read a Balance Sheet

Behind the Balance Sheet

BASICS: Introduction to Stockpicking

Behind the Balance Sheet

A Closer Look at Gross Margin

Behind the Balance Sheet

Analyst Academy

Behind the Balance Sheet

Has two primary businesses:

  1.  Bespoke research for a small group of institutional clients
  2.  Training (physical & online)
    1. Offer a free 30 day program:  30 minutes per day for 30 days